Hi, visitor

I am Dmitry Roitman, and I can help you start your business, build your product, get your first customers and grow a technical team. As a non-technical founder, you struggle with translating your vision into working software. I can be your interim CTO.

On the product side, I will work with you using Lean Startup methodologies to reach the product/market fit. On the engineering side, I will layout the system architecture and get you on the right track with appropriate technology choices.

If you have an idea and need an MVP, looking for the best yet affordable technology stack and architecture, interested to build your dream team of best developers, curious, ambitious, proactive self-starters, never shy of complexity and always hungry of learning new things, with my over 20 years of technology experience I can help you make it a reality. I'll strategize, brainstorm, build, iterate on a way that will make your venture an inevitable success. I'll help you to adjust your business vision and your dream product to the best technology and best people.

Want to go all the way AI/Machine Learning and don't know where to start? I'm there for you. As a trained mathematician with years of experience in Data Science, Statistics, Linear Algebra, Calculus, Probability Theory, well armed with the best modern tools, I'm going yo make your Machine Learning / AI / ETL dream a reality. As an experienced data architect, solutions architect, data scientist, software developer and analyst I'll help you to build the best possible utilization of your data, including ETL pipelining, insightful analytics, recommentations, classifications, clustering, Deep Learning, Reinforcement Learning.
As your Machine Learning / AI architect and developer, I will:

  • Identify the best approach - Supervised/Unsupervised learning to be used
  • Build models
  • Train models
  • Implement the most efficient ML algorithms
  • Maintain and improve your models
  • Provide Data Architecture

Tools I use to build Data Architecture / Machine Learning Pipelines / AI Software include, but not limited to:

Tools I use to build web and enterprise software: Django, Flask, Go, Java, Pytorch, IntelliJ Idea, Pycharm, Sublime, GitHub, Macbook Pro, and a lot of command line.

Tools I use to build terrific front ends and UI/UX include, but not limited to:

And, of course, the cloud and containers. Be ready to get the best AWS, Docker and Kubernetes experience.

Interested? Here's my resume and contact me.